Treatment Options for Children With ADHD

When you have a child with ADHD, it can affect your relationship with them. You may feel frustrated, and your child may feel frustrated too. Dr. Samuel Puckett and Dr. Jennifer Sauceman offer treatment options at Newport Pediatrics, serving Newport, TN, and nearby regions to kids affected by this issue.

Learning ADHD Coping Mechanisms

In some cases, the best course of action for ADHD in Newport, TN, is learning coping mechanisms, which can eliminate the need for any medication for your child. We can also use coping mechanisms along with medication to manage your kid’s condition.

Help your child to develop goals and learn how to strive toward them. You may, for instance, ask your child what bothers them most about themselves and what they’d like to improve. 

Once you develop a goal, assist them in mapping out a course of action to achieve it. This may consist of determining small goals that add up to the main one. Ensure your child only focuses on one goal to avoid frustration or confusion. 

You may want to work on scheduling and time management. A child with ADHD may struggle with these. You can help them by teaching them to set reminder timers, mark activities on a calendar, or make lists.

Part of the treatment may include managing their anger by learning to walk away and channel their energy elsewhere, such as in the gym, park, or with music.


Our practitioner may prescribe medication if other non-medicated approaches aren’t working. Most commonly, we prescribe stimulants, which have been shown to manage symptoms effectively in about 80 percent of cases, as noted by the Cleveland Clinic.

These particular drugs work to increase dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, which are neurotransmitters that help your child’s ability to focus and remain motivated and on task.

Some prime examples include Vyvanse, Focalin, Adderall, and Concerta. 

Some non-stimulant drugs are available as well, including Strattera, Qelbree, and Intuniv. The drugs in this category are usually norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors or alpha-2 adrenergic agonists. These drugs reduce impulsivity and improve your child’s focus by stimulating norepinephrine levels or blocking the reuptake of norepinephrine (prevention of norepinephrine from being reabsorbed by nerve cells).

Managing ADHD in Newport, TN

If your child is having ADHD symptoms that are affecting their home, social life, or academic performance, Newport Pediatrics’ Dr. Puckett and Dr. Sauceman can help your child in Newport, TN. We strive for non-medicated options whenever possible and will also listen to your input regarding your child’s treatment to respect your wishes.

Call us today at (423) 623-0653.

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